My lil' sis is 18 and Aaron is 4 months today!

Happy 18th Birthday Katie!!!! I can't believe my little sister is an adult now... wow I feel old... (Sorry mom!)

Aaron turned 4 months old today and to celebrate we got him...shots... ouch! His 4 month check up was today with his second round of vacinations. It's so sad when he is all smiles and cooing when we go in and then tears and yawns for the rest of the day. He did well - a little warm and tired but he had some Tylenol and took lots of naps. Nanny came over to say hi and in his mess of tears he blurted out, "mama." Of course, he probably didn't know what he was saying because a lot of his cries sound like ma but we both looked at each other like, "did you just hear that? He said mama!!"

Here are his latest stats:

16lbs, 10 oz - 80th percentile
26.25 inches long - 90th percentile
Head circumference...can't remember but 25th percentile
Strong for his age and really good at cooing! More like a 6 month old!
Great head control - ok to start solids, but doesn't need them yet
Going to continue exclusive breast feeding due to allergies, eczema, and celiac in family history
His tooth looks good - normal
