Let it snow!

We are a snow family.  Most people around here protest it but we love it - even if it's a pain to drive in sometimes.  Someday maybe we will be able to fulfill our dream of living in the mountains but for now we take what we can get.  This morning there was a tiny dusting on the ground.  When John left for work he kissed me goodbye (like he does every morning) and told me I should get a picture of Aaron's first snow.  So before it all melted I bundled our kiddo up in unmatching warm clothes with his funny shoes and cute little hat and went outside to document his very first encounter with the cold white stuff. 

He liked it of course - he is a Farnsworth after all!  Sadly all traces of snow were gone by 11:00am but the weatherman says this year we are due for lots of snow this season.  They said that Kansas City has not seen 6 inch dumps of snow since 2005 but to expect more than one occasion of 6+ this winter.  I can't wait!  Too bad Aaron's not quite old enough for snow angels yet.


  1. How exciting for you guys. Can't wait til Christmas. Love Grandma


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