I often get people who ask me, "so what do you do all day?" This question mostly comes from people who don't have kids. I can relate because I often wondered that myself about stay at home moms before Aaron came along - not in a negative way or anything, just curious. Now I'm sure that it changes when more kids are added to the equation or when we become bored of doing the same thing over and over, but right now this is what a typical week day looks like:
I recently blogged about my addiction to Netflix. I was in the habit of watching TV during Aaron's morning naps and wasn't getting anything done! This week I vowed not to watch TV at all except for Heroes in bed with John before we go to sleep. I'm hoping I can be more productive!
That's our life in a nutshell right now. John has long clinical hours but on the day's he doesn't have clinicals he gets home at a decent time - 4:30 or so. Sometimes I meet him at the gym.
Kind of looks boring I guess but I love it!
- Aaron wakes up sometime in the 8 o'clock hour. I nurse him and change his diaper. We both usually stay in our pj's until noonish though!
- Then it's time to work on our words - we watch "Your Baby Can Read" together and act out the words on the screen.
- After that it's play time. I usually set him up down in the living room with some toys and clean up the kitchen/make myself some breakfast while he plays. I eat my breakfast down in the living room and then play with him on our tummies. (Sometimes I feed him solids up in his highchair but lately he won't eat lunch if I do that.) We also play with our flashcards.
- In the 10 o'clock hour I lay him down for his nap which can last anywhere from 1 to 2 hours. During that time I try to get stuff done around the house such as cleaning up/laundry/pay bills/.
- When he wakes up we do the same nurse then play routine only this time I also put him in the highchair and feed him solids. When he's done eating we might read a book, play, or chill in the office with him in the play pin while I piddle on the computer.
- Then it's off to my good friend Esther's house to hang out and help as we can, sometime in the 1 o'clock hour. (Esther is very close to her due date now!) Aaron jumps in their jumper, plays with the kids, or takes a nap in his carrier. His afternoon nap varies but is usually spent in his carrier unless he naps at Nanny/Grandmas.
- Around 3:30 it's time for the gym. We go to either Nanny's or Grandma's so they can have an Aaron fix and I can go sweat. (I usually have to nurse around then too.) I go to a 4:30 class and by the time I get Aaron picked back up and get home, it's around 6:00.
- I keep Aaron occupied in the Exersaucer or downstairs while I cook dinner. Then we eat, hopefully with John if he's home from clinicals/school/work.
- After dinner either John or I give Aaron a bath and get him ready for bed. Sometimes we read a book. (I'd like to do that more often.)
- I nurse him one more time before bed. We like to start our bedtime routine around 7:00 so he's asleep before 8.
- After he's asleep I clean the kitchen or do a load of laundry or just play on the computer until bed.
I recently blogged about my addiction to Netflix. I was in the habit of watching TV during Aaron's morning naps and wasn't getting anything done! This week I vowed not to watch TV at all except for Heroes in bed with John before we go to sleep. I'm hoping I can be more productive!
That's our life in a nutshell right now. John has long clinical hours but on the day's he doesn't have clinicals he gets home at a decent time - 4:30 or so. Sometimes I meet him at the gym.
Kind of looks boring I guess but I love it!
I just love this picture.