Little Aaron Michael

This was waayyy more funny when it actually happened.  At least for me - I think John was questioning my sanity last night.  It's no secret that Aaron loves to jump.  He's gotten better about jumping straight up and down instead of side to side so we thought it would be ok to set the jumper back up in the door frame of the office.  It was previously down in the basement where he had full range to jump where ever he pleased. 

Unfortunately when he gets tired, his control seems to dwindle and last night the poor thing kept running into the wall.  He never cried, just bonked his head and kept jumping.  I look over at him and he was jumping away - looked like he was going to charge the hallway.  There was enough slack that he could get about 2 or 3 feet away - almost to my bedroom door!  He was just bouncing down the hallway and then back to the office about 2 or 3 feet the other way.  It was cracking me up!  I felt awful though because occasionally he would slip to the side and bonk his little head.  So....we got creative and figured out a way to pad the door frame.  By the time we got something cooked up though he was about finished.  I didn't really get the good stuff on tape.


  1. How did I miss so much on your blog. Your mommy is so cute. I love you Aaron.


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