Catching up...

So this has been a crazy few weeks. I'm 4 video projects in and 1 more to go. Here's a recap on what we've been up to.

We went to John's Spring Banquet the last weekend in April while Grandma and Granddad babysat Aaron. It was nice to get all dolled up and go out.

We decided that our kid is NOT going to have a rat tail. So while I'm not ready for the whole haircut yet, we had to get rid of the tail.

Still to come... Cousin Taylor's Graduation, Mother's Day at the Zoo, and John's Graduation. For now, I must retire to bed as I'm going to get up super early and make my hubby a nice protein packed, brain powered, breakfast so he is well nourished for the boards.


  1. No he did not get hurt with the whole rat tail thing even though daddy looks like he was rough. Aaron was really good and that rat tail was gone with one snip.


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