Graduation Weekend!

Whew!  What a weekend!  It started on Thursday with Katie's Graduation party, then John's Graduation on Friday, his party on Saturday, and Katie's Graduation on Sunday.  We've been busy.  And in the midst of all that, Granddad had his birthday on the 15th.  So sorry we didn't get to celebrate it through all the graduation stuff!  We'll have to do dinner soon.

Words could not express how very proud of my hubby I am.  He is such an amazing father and husband.  He will be an awesome nurse - actually now I can say is an awesome nurse.  Knowing how long he's worked for this moment and how hard he's worked to get here makes his graduation even sweeter.  Talk about delayed gratification... the moment is here, he's graduated and taking the boards. I am so lucky to be his wife.  He works so hard for our family - a provider of much more than just money.  He's allowed me to work towards becoming a Proverbs 31 woman and for that I am so grateful.  I feel like I am truly living my dream right now.  I love you honey.
