New Year's Resolutions

Well it's that time of year again.  I'm not sure I made resolutions last  year.  Or if I did I can't remember them - must not have been that important!  Most of the time it's usually weight or health related.  Lame.  When will I ever just love my body the way it is?  Oh yeah, when I'm 145 lbs and running marathons and biking across whole states. 

I digress.  Anyhow, this year I have 3 resolutions and yes one of them is health and weight related but deal with it.  That's just who I am!

1)  To start and follow through on some sort of devotional routine.  I don't want this to become something I do because I have to and if it gets to that point then I will stop.  But I would like to devote some of my time to digging back into the Word again.  I would love to do something everyday but that seems too impractical and stressful to try to keep up with.  I don't mean to make is sound like a chore but you get the picture.  It would be awesome if John and I could do a devotional together.

2)  Rejoin Weight Watchers and saddle up on my bike after Ethan arrives.  This was always in the plan.  Afterall, I never quite made my goal but 55lbs was pretty good!  I don't have a specific amount that I am looking to lose but that 145 mark is my lifetime goal with weight watchers and it would be fabulous to hit that in 2011.  I intend to log 1500 miles this year on my bike even if I have to drag two kiddos with me!  We have a carrier and a trailer so it can be done!  Might need the g-parents to watch the boys a few times while John and I take a nice long ride.  Oh yeah, and I will become a certified Zumba instructor this spring.  It's paid for already - just need to do it!

3)  Enjoy every moment.  When things get tight money wise or stressful with raising multiple kids, I will stop and remember how lucky and blessed I am and thank God for all that I have.


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