Tired and Bored

Well, I'm tired... Aaron is bored.  There must be some magic switch that turns in toddlers when they hit the age of curiosity.  Somehow Aaron has gone from sweet baby boy to mess monster.  I used to be able to do other things while Aaron played nicely in the living room or watched a video.  He's like a wild puppy destroying my house!!!  No bucket, basket, or shelf is safe.  He empties them all.  Trash cans - forget it.  He no longer wants to put things in it - he wants to dump it out and see what's inside.  That goes for ANY trash can in my house.  Oh yes, he also likes to empty his entire dresser full of clothes.  This can happen in a matter of seconds while mom's back is turned. 

He's figured out how to open the dishwasher no matter what - the "lock" feature doesn't phase him - it's just a lever.  Once inside, he likes to pull out all of the dishes and line them up on the bench in the dining room.  Or just throw them all over the floor - or better yet, down into the living room through the railing!  That's really fun!!  Then when he's through with that he figured out he can stand on the dishwasher door to reach what ever is up on the counter top.  The other day it was a package of graham crackers.  I walked in to find a bite missing from each square of the almost full package.  They were then tossed to the side as if he just had to taste each one to see if they all tasted the same.

He is currently running through my house, screaming in delight, or boredom (I'm not sure).  I always used to love the winter but being cooped up with him is driving us all crazy!!!  We need to get out more.  We've got to find a way for him to unleash this cooped up energy on something other than my things!
