Play Dates

A few weeks back Aaron, Ethan and I went on two very fun play dates with Amy and her boys Jude and Asher.  First we went to Wonderscope.  I didn't get many pictures as both Amy and I had our hands full the whole time but the boys had a great time and it was nice to catch up with Amy.  The fact that we both have boys that aren't that far apart in age is perfect.  After Wonderscope we hung out in the parking lot and nursed our little ones while the older boys watched Cars in the back seat.  Then we went out for pizza.  Awesome day.

The next morning we went to see Thomas the Engine in Baldwin City.  The boys were delighted! Aaron loves to watch Thomas on Netflix and we had checked out some toy trains from Parents as Teachers so he is very familiar with Thomas and Friends.  As it turns out, Jude is also a big Thomas fan.  The weather looked if-y but turned out to be perfect and we never got rained on.  We also met up with another one of my friends from Mom's Club and her two little ones.  It was a fun and tiring morning.
