Busy Summer

You may have noticed that I haven't posted a lot on the blog recently.  That's because we've been crazy busy!  And you may not be able to believe your eyes when you read this, but I've slacked on the picture taking front!  What?!  Let's see, since Aaron's birthday week we've celebrated Aunt Jenny's birthday, had a 4th of July picnic with my family (homemade ice cream and everything!), and participated in the neighborhood 4th of July parade which by the way was a lot of fun!  I have some pics from the parade but not anything else.

Plus on top of all of this, I have been finishing up my certifications for teaching my Zumba classes.  I now have 5 certifications in all: Zumba instruction, CPR, First Aid, Group Exercise, and a required course for the YMCA call Healthy Lifestyles.  Whew!  It was 4 days in a row of school basically.  But I'm ready to go.  I start my Zumba classes this week!  They will be every Thursday morning at 10:00am and Friday afternoon at 4:30.  Here's hoping to a healthier me and a fun class for others to attend!

Coming up next this month... more birthday parties to go to including Jude and Asher Criger, Grandma and Daddy!!  And a weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks!  Can't wait!
