Our Plans

Since I left some of you hanging about what our future plans are...  We are selling our house.  Or at least putting it on the market... AGAIN!  This time we're putting some money into it to fix some things up.  The porch is getting mud jacked, the bathroom floors are being tiled, new carpet throughout, new landscaping, and lots of cleaning up/organizing/staging to be done.  We really, Really, REALLY want to sell it and move on.  There are a number of reasons for moving but mostly, we want to be free to go wherever life takes us in the next few years without worrying about a house to sell.  We will be moving to an apartment or town home, or maybe even renting a house as soon as we are able to get a contract on this one.

Ideally we'd like to move to Colorado, some place close to Matt and Jacquelyn if possible.  This may happen as soon as later this year, or a few years from now.  We aren't sure yet.  John is applying for school in the fall at St. Luke's College for their Master's Degree program to become a Nurse Practitioner.  If he for some reason (which I really doubt) does not get in, we will be moving to CO sooner rather than later!  If he has to be on some waiting list for another year or so, we will move and he will apply some place there.  If he gets accepted, we will stay here until he finishes the program and then move.  So either way, we are moving to Colorado!  This is the first step in that direction. 

There is so much to be done around here so we will be very busy in the coming weeks.  We would like to have the house up on the market in April.  It sat on the market for a year last time with no nibbles so we are hoping that with the changes we are making, the surprisingly slight up tilt in the housing market in Gardner, and the changes we've already made (finished room in basement, pergo flooring in the dining room) that we will be out in 6 months or so.

So there you have it!  That is our news.  No more babies on the way, but don't worry we aren't done yet. : )


  1. that's so exciting! i think everyone should move away for awhile. it was the best thing luke and i ever did. and moving to colorado?! how could you not, i'd move there in a heart beat! i'm excited for you and hope the house sells fast! i think you and i both (considering our first borns) need a few more months before we get prego again. lol. well, that is our thinking anyway. :)

  2. haha!!! Us too!!! I'm ready to wait for a bit before trying for 3. : )


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