Criger Dates

The biggest downside to moving a state and half away is all the family and wonderful friends we are leaving behind.  Amy and I have been BFFs since kindergarten and though she lived out of town for a while during school it was as if no time had left when her and Job moved back.  It seems we've done everything in life together.  We got married within months of each other as well as had our kids (all boys) very close.  In fact, as Jude pointed out we have a 1, 2, 3, and 4 year old when we're all together!  It has been so fun going on play dates with Amy and the boys and I will sincerely miss our little outings.  Here are just a few of our outings.  It's very hard to get them all to look at the camera at the same time!

 Lunch at our house
 Making coffee and cookies for the mommies at Groundhouse Coffee
 Yeah, they're pretty cute!
 Jude wearing a Dorothy costume complete with red "slippers" at Kids Scape!

Jude and Asher's Birthday party.

We sure will miss you guys!  Amy is overdue as I write this for baby number 3... another precious little boy!  No.  I'm not joining her yet this time.  Looks like number 3 will be separated by a little more time! : )  I'm anxiously awaiting his arrival and hope I get to meet him before we move!!
