Art Studio

Winter is quickly approaching here in Denver.  Or at least the cold weather is!  We had our first dusting of snow the other day and the kids were ecstatic!  I'm told people still get outside a lot even in the winter with littles.  The Mountain Mamas hike all year round.  The only rule is it can't be raining or snowing during the hike. We'll see!  I'm used to staying indoors all winter long during those nasty cold/icey days back in KC.

We decided to bust out some indoor activiites this week.  After all, there are lots of birthdays and anniversaries coming up that need special cards...  : )  I pulled out an old shower curtain to protect the living room carpet and then set up both the table and the easel along with all of our crayola paints.  The kids had a blast!  Although I'm not sure if they enjoyed making the huge mess or cleaning it up better!  I let them take all the paint utensils and such in the tub with them afterwards to clean everything together.  I bet they were occupied for at least an hour between playing in their "art studio" and in the tub.

If you have a birthday or anniversary coming up (you know who you are!) you're in for a special card soon! : )  Love you all and miss you guys.
