Happy Thanksgiving

Our first Thanksgiving dinner in Colorado went without a hitch. It was kind of weird to be so far away from the rest of our family but we are so thankful to have Matt and Jaquelyn close.  Matt and John's friend, Dane also joined us for dinner.  Together we pulled off an old fashioned Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings including pies!  Jaquelyn made the pumpkin and pecan pies and Dane made the apple pie.  Yum!  John's work gave away turkeys and hams to all of their associates so we were set. We toasted with champagne and felt like real grown ups having fixed such a huge meal by ourselves. Of course the holiday made us miss everyone back in KC.  We love you all and can't wait to see you for Christmas.

 The kids morning project
 Matt hard at work on the veggies
 The kids watched Cars in the basement while we cooked
 John carving the bird
 Our "while we wait" snacks
Time to eat!
Ready to eat!  This is the kids table. Remember when it was fun to eat at your own kid sized table?  Then it got old over the years!  

I forgot to get a picture of the grown up table!  We were so hungry and ready to eat I just forgot. Oh well!  The food and company was great.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
