My Little Ninjas

I feel I slacked a little this year for Halloween costumes.  The boys were set on being ninjas and my creative juices just weren't flowing with it.  Their costumes turned out pretty average.  But have no fear, I may not have made it, but you can guarantee I found a thrifty way to make it happen.  Why buy a new $30 (each) costume when you can get the whole shebang for both kids for about $10 total between Goodwill and Dollar Tree?  "mom, mom, she's the bomb..."  (Parent Rap) I digress...

So Halloween.  Aaron went as a Black Ninja and Ethan was a Blue Ninja.  They got to sport their thrifty duds on five different occasions!  Halloween at the Farm at Deanna Rose Farmstead in KC, Party at the YMCA, Fall Festival at the Children's Museum, Party at the Church, and of course, Halloween night as we trick or treated.

Here are my little ninjas:
