Aaron's First Christmas Program

Life is full of firsts.  Especially for little boys at the start of their school years.  The morning before we left for Kansas City we got to experience yet another first for Aaron.  He sang on stage with his preschool group in their Christmas program.  Though Aaron went to pre-school last year, we did not enroll him until January so we missed Christmas.  One of the benefits of going to a Christian preschool is they are not afraid to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  In fact, not only did the kids sing Happy birthday to Jesus, but we also got to have birthday cake!  (This was what Aaron was looking forward to the most!)

We arrived a little late (not unusual for us!) but it was an honest mistake.  It was not a regular day of school for Aaron and I wasn't sure what time to bring him.  We were greeted at the door by his teacher who led him straight up to the stage.  He looked excited, not nervous at all.  I was seriously impressed after what happened last year at church.  The kids had come into big church to sing a few songs and Aaron freaked out and I had to get him off the stage last year!  But not this time.  He was ready.  He had been practicing at home and I wasn't allowed to hear him sing until the special event.

There was a luncheon to follow and I had brought a dish to share but instead of heading to the kitchen I set down outside the sanctuary on the floor and found my seat - I was not about to miss the beginning of the show!  They began with Jingle bells.  It's such a silly thing but I sat there with tears in my eyes as my now confident Aaron shook his bells, found me in the crowd, and lit up with joy.  I was so bummed that John could not have been there with us.  Ethan was so proud of his brother too.  He kept saying, "that's Aaron mommy!"  They continued the program with Away in a Manger, another song I did not recognize (and Aaron did not seem to know), and Happy Birthday to Jesus.  The whole program was over in 15 minutes.

I posted one of these videos on Facebook but I thought posting the others would be a little excessive for FB.  Good thing this blog is all about my family and I can post as many cute videos of my children as I want!  Here are 3 of the songs that he sang.

Jingle Bells.  Notice the kids get off and start singing in "rounds" but the parents are delighted by the innocence and cuteness of it!

Away in a Manger

Happy Birthday Jesus

 We headed over to the Fellowship Hall for lunch and of course, dessert.  Aaron gave his teachers their Christmas gifts took pictures with them.  Since it was so nice afterwards, we ended our lunch date at the park on the playground to burn off all the sugar.  It was a wonderful way to end the first semester.

 Miss Christen
 Miss Vicki

 Ethan: Mom, enough with the pictures!
