Ethan's 1st Day of School

Ethan started school this week.  While it was exciting the first day, I don't think Ethan thought much of it!  The boys are so used to being dropped off at daycare while I teach for a few hours that I think it must have been a similar experience!  As we pulled up to the school Ethan said, "There's your school Aaron!"  John told him it was not their school and as if on cue, Aaron says to Ethan, "yeah Bubs, it's our school now!"

Aaron was a good big brother and showed Ethan where to hang his coat and then where his class room was.  The whole thing went down without a hitch and his teacher told me later after class how sweet he was during class.  And how sweet Aaron was to him when they saw each other in Chapel.  They even got to sit together.  Ethan made a cute snowman book as they are learning all about circles and how to draw them.

I thoroughly enjoyed my "me" time.  On Tuesday I literally just sat on the couch the whole time!  Totally lazy but it was worth it.  Then today I got so much done.  I did dishes, made bread, got some pot roast in the crock pot, did a couple loads of laundry, wrote a post for my other blog and still had time to sit and watch a TV show! Three hours twice a week is going to be amazing!  John had to work both of those days (he went in later on Tuesday so he could be with us to drop Ethan off) but one of these days we are going to do some hikes together when he is off.

Need to get Ethan's name embroidered on his backpack still but at least it came today!
