Aaron's New School

After some research and many, many conversations with teachers, neighbors, friends, and family, we have decided to put Aaron into Kindergarten next year!  Oh my.  Mom is having a tough time with this one.  I can't believe we are there already!  Since Aaron turns 5 in the summer, we had the option of keeping him back for one more year or putting him in Kindergarten as one of the youngest in his class.  It was a hard decision but we are happy with our choice.  He will start in the fall.

Aaron is a very smart little boy.  I know, most parents say their kids are smart but even Aaron's teacher has said this.  He is pretty advanced in his little pre-K class and is very creative.  He loves to work on projects by himself and his wheels are always turning.  Unfortunately, his social skills are not quite as far advanced!  He has trouble sitting still, engaging with classmates and sometimes following directions.  His preschool teacher says he will probably be the kind of person who invents something that no one has thought of yet.  Go Aaron!

He made this hat all by himself with very little instruction.

I am a little nervous about him going from just 3 mornings a week to all day everyday next year.  The elementary school does not offer a half day program.  I'm sure he'll adjust but it's a little nerve wracking.  If you ask him about it, he will tell you all about how he gets to go to a new school next year.  He is very excited about it!  And to make things sweeter, there are 3 neighbor boys all his age who will be starting kindergarten next year too.  At the very least he will have someone he already knows in class.

The other day we took a family bike ride up to the school which is in walking distance.  (I can see us walking with the baby a lot next year to and from school!)  We walked around the building and played in the playground where he will likely play next year.  We weren't able to see his classroom yet but he is excited none the less.  Grade school.  Oh. My. Word.  Time flies soooooo fast!!!!!
