The House

It finally feels like we are settling in a little bit. We’ve got most everything unpacked except for Chloe’s room and the guest room – two rooms which must be completed soon! : ) Actually Chloe’s room will be ok if it’s not done right when she’s born but we at least need the guest bedroom set up! We have so many projects to work on. So far we have painted the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom upstairs, and the master bedroom. We’ve painted the kitchen cabinets and replaced the hardware, “refinished” a lot of things with oil bronzed metal spray paint (that stuff is AWESOME!), made several Pinterest projects to decorate with in the kitchen and the living room, and set up our basement family room area to be able to relax a little after a long day of work.  John has been so patient and awesome with all my "Honey Do" requests!  I could not have done half of what I accomplished without his help!

I used a lot of nature from our own property to decorate.  Bonus:  It was free!

This was all John - from take down to cleaning and painting...  he's the man!

And that's not including all the OUTSIDE stuff we have done.  John has spent many hours mowing, weed eating, and generally "cleaning up" our property.  You can't really tell from the before pics but the "grass" was over a foot tall when we moved in and we had these ugly horse panels everywhere.  He has also built a shed on the side of the house, the swing set, and the zip line and platform.  It seems there is always something to be done.

This week we started painting the outside of the house, putting all indoor projects on hold while we have decent weather.  The boys even got to help a little with that.  "Help" included about 10 minutes of painting while mom hovered and cleaned up behind them.  But they had fun.  The front is finished (with the exception of the door which I need to fix some more as we have already scratched it up.)  Here is a before and after pic.

 This is before we moved in.  Not the best pic but you can see the red door.
This is a few weeks ago after I stripped the paint off the front door.

 Looking a lot better! Still have lots of work to do but it's so much better now!
My favorite - the black front door.

The pictures just don't do it justice... you'll just have to come and see for yourself! : )
