Amy Comes to Visit

Amy was supposed to be there for the birth of little miss Chloe.  We had planned it ahead of time and my best friend (and stand in doula) were all set to come the weekend of September 5th.  You know, since I was planning and being induced and all.  But since Chloe came on her own terms a whole week early we had some alone family time for a week. It's ironic because looking back I was planning on being there for Jett's birth (baby number 3) but missed it because I was out of town almost exactly 2 years ago.  Jett was born on August 31st so Amy was home celebrating with her big 2 year old while we were in the hospital with our baby number 3.

I was so happy to see her.  We of course did fun girly stuff that best friends do but mostly she cleaned my house, took care of my boys, and generally made me relax.  It was so awesome!  Amy, we are so very grateful for all of your help!  I wanted to keep her but I knew there were four boys (three kids and a hubby) who missed her while she was gone.
