First Weehoo Ride

We have fallen in love with this amazing bike trailer - the Weehoo. We heard about it last year and it has been on our radar for a while. We finally made the purchase (a pricey one at that) to have for our summer fun.  Man, we were not disappointed.  It is AMAZING! I love that Chloe gets to pedal with me and it actually helps me out.  Or she can not pedal at all and just chill.  She really has the best seat in the house. The boys are actually quite jealous. 

We took a break from our moving to-do list the other day and took it out for a spin - pun intended. We decided to check out Longview Lake.  It was a great little path that we thought was paved but turned out to be pea gravel. The Weehoo held up fantastic and Chloe was delighted. I was so proud of the boys too who rode almost 7 miles! We are looking forward to some pretty epic bike rides in our future.

 All tuckered out
